‘We get to very early adopters quickly...with the expectation of full functionality in the near future. We then refine the product for them and for later users – based on actual use. So when we roll out the product broadly, the product has already been in the hands of customers.” 

Michael Ruettgers 
Chairman of the Board   EMC

New Product Planning and Portfolio Management

We help you delivery higher margin products by becoming a Product Leader that commands the intellectual leadership of the pace and direction of markets and technology in your industry. We promote focused strategies that provide value discriminators in current generation products. We assist you with the development of a compelling vision that contains significant benefits for customers, which can only be achieved by innovative and even revolutionary next-generation products and services.

There are a number of critical success factors for winning at new product planning:

Understanding what your customers really need and want.

Creating an effective innovation process.

Designing tailored solutions for targeted market segments.

Strategizing roadmaps for multiple generations of products.

Focusing resources on the most promising opportunities.

Developing effective new product specifications.

Product development portfolio management prioritizes investments on the programs having the highest strategic importance and financial attractiveness. Sound portfolio management also balances investment in new technology, new platform products, product upgrades and improvements,  and sustaining engineering.

For more information on new product planning and portfolio management see the white papers “Roadmap to Product Leadership” and “Winning at New Product Planning”.

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